WaveOne Open Water

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[A message of thanks and appreciation to those who participated and supported WaveOne Open Water and InnerTides over the past year, open water swimmers and friends]

When days are shortest, I find quiet. It is a time to pull up the moments and feelings of the past year and past season. Supreme thanks and ever-growing appreciation becomes forefront in the reflection. Second, are the warm arms of peace that hold the gratitude. So many people contribute to creating successful open water swims and an environment that fosters a vibrant loving community.

To all the swimmers who choose to take a jump into the Potomac River, or Bay or Oceans, I sincerely thank you. Your trust, courage and positive attitudes are felt and appreciated.

The swimmers couldn’t swim without the WaveOne support crew of volunteers and experts that lookout for the best of the swimmers. An enormous thank you to all of you. It is truly a pleasure and honor to work side by side with you.

Behind those intimately associated with the water are friends and family who support the craziness called open water swimming. You may not understand why we swim in unproven or cold water, but you give your blessings to us. Or, at least, turn a blind eye. Thank you.

Without my family, purpose would be vacant and meandering. No words can describe their place in my life.

Finally, and especially, we give thanks to the higher spirit and power who creates the nature in which we enjoy the curious discovery of each water experience. From this precious energy emanates life of love in a bed of peace.

The open water is full of contradictions along the river to its peaceful gifts. Triumph, loss, failure and faith may be separated in split seconds of a splash. I am fortunate to witness transformations of swimmers as they navigate these waters toward their personal lessons and finish lines.

The rewards I receive are the chances to see, in your eyes, conflicts of triumph and success, elation, and grimaces of determination in the midst of falling short. I am reminded of the power of the individual heart, strength of the mind and body balanced by being a drop in the awesome vastness of open water.

I experienced an exceptional trip to Barcelona last winter to become a Wim Hof Method instructor. There I met a tribe similar to our open water community. We joined together in exploring our physiology and mindset through breath and cold immersion. I felt a bond that ripples though each of us, particularly as we joined hands in the cold glassy water of the Mediano Reservoir in the heart of the Pyrenees mountains. This experience of breath and water reminded me in new ways how we transcend our limits and brings us closer to all people throughout the world. Such a blessing!

The art of the sport of open water swimming lives in each of you and in the group of hearts and souls comprising our community. Sometimes measured in minutes, hours, miles, and meters, the true measure of open water is felt within.

Sharing all this with you is a gift for which I thank you all. Within in tumultuous wind and waves, unswimmable currents, and calm glassy days, you help me see through the shadow to find peace forever flowing in the water.

From this day forward the days grow longer into the summer. Go deep my friends into 2024!

For benefits of the Wim Hof Method, workshops, and retreats go to InnerTides.org

To learn more about our WaveOne Open Water programs, swims, camps, clinics and races go to WaveOneOpenWater.com