FAQ - HarborFest Open Water Festival
Sunday August 27, 2023
Check-in opens at 7:00AM
Clinic begins at 7:10AM
Safety Briefing begins at 7:50
Waves begin at 8:00AM and 8:30AM
Swim Distances:
750 or 1500 meters
1.2 miles
2.4 miles
5K and more…
HarborFest open water swims are designed to provide a comprehensive practice for race day triathlon and swim conditions. Swims will be started, as the swim leg of a triathlon. Swimmers may choose one distance in the two Potomac River courses. Open water swimming experts will provide basic knowledge for beginning and intermediate swimmers for open water race techniques. HarborFest is the perfect opportunity to practice race day swimming without the pressure of a full tri.
This year we are offering an open water swim clinic before the races begin emphasizing navigating conditions and managing anxiety during race situations. The clinic begins about an hour before the swims and is an option with your entry fee.
Location: North Cove/Commercial Pier at National Harbor, MD 20745
HarborFest Open Water Festival 2022 Information:
Thank you for registering for the HarborFest Open Water Festival. Please check back to the website at www.WaveOneOpenWater.com before you leave in the morning to see the latest conditions and any last-minute notes. For more details on race day see the swim Info page at https://www.waveoneopenwater.com/latest-news-info
Our purpose of HarborFest Open Water Festival is to celebrate open water swimming at National Harbor. Thousands of swimmers have joined us over the years with different goals, ideas and expressions of open water swimming. HarborFest at National Harbor provides the simplicity of a low pressure setting to express, practice and discover your own signature as an open water swimmer. All ages are welcome and there are options for every swimmer!
Event Notes:
· Pre-Race Clinic will be from 7:10AM – 7:45AM on the pier. (See below) If you already signed up for the swim but would like to attend the clinic go here: CLINIC ADD ON
· Check in opens at 7:00AM. Get numbered and get ready.
· Parking is available for a fee at National Harbor in lots adjacent to the water.
· Arrive ready to swim. Restrooms are available but not locker rooms.
· You may wear your own swim cap or one will be provided for you at check in.
· You may leave your bags on the pier in a supervised area. We are not responsible for personal items.
· Showers are available to rinse off on the dock when you finish your swim.
· Prizes will be available for finishers. Hint – everyone is a finisher at HarborFest!
· Enjoy a post-race meal and celebration at National Harbor.
The Swims:
· There are two courses set to practice all tri distances. You may swim as much or as little on any course.
· Two formal waves will begin with an in-water mass start at 8:00AM and 8:30AM. The mass starts are optional. After 8:30AM you may begin at anytime as long as you check in first. No one will be permitted down the ramp on the dock without a number!
· A large pace clock will begin at 0 at 8:00AM. When the clock counts to 30 minutes, the second wave will begin. The clock is visible from the course so you can track your pace per lap. Use the pace clock to determine your time. This is a self-timed event.
· The Yellow course is 1000 meters each lap. There are 4 buoys set and you must swim around the outside of each buoy for a full 1000 meters. 2 laps = 1.24 miles (half IM), 4 laps = 2.47 miles (full IM). 5 laps = 5K, etc. You may swim more than 5K. Faster swimmers might be able to go 10K! You may swim as many laps as you wish within the time period.
· The Orange course is 375 meters. 2 laps = 750 meters (Sprint), 4 laps +1500 Meters (Olympic). Again, you may swim as many laps as you wish within the time period. The course is set with three orange buoys and you must swim around the outside for a full 375 meter lap.
· We will call last lap between 10 – 10:10AM. After last lap is called you may not begin another Yellow lap. We may allow Orange laps until 10:15.
· We must clear the water by 10:30AM.
· IT IS MANDATORY THAT YOU CHECK OUT WITH CAROLINE AT THE TOP OF THE RAMP. Once you leave the ramp, you will not be permitted back on the dock.
· HYDRATE! We encourage hydration and feeds for those doing longer swims. A float will be available to keep a water bottle close to the course. You may leave a water bottle/feed on the dock and we will be happy to throw it to you in the water. MAKE YOUR WATER BOTTLES DISTINCTIVE so they are easily identifiable. If you plan to use the float, attach a line and carabiner so the bottle doesn’t fall into the river.
The Pre-Race OWS Clinic
· The clinic will begin at 7:10 in the middle of the pier. You must be a Gold member or have signed up for the clinic online to attend. If you did not sign up go here: CLINIC ADD ON
· The subject of the clinic are sighting, endurance pacing, tips for an efficient swimming stroke, dealing with anxiety and mass starts, and questions and answers.
· We will wrap up the clinic by 7:50 so those that want to start in the 8:00AM wave may do so.
Thank your on-water support and registration volunteers as you swim (or walk) by. Thank you very much for joining us for HarborFest!
For race day updates see WaveOne Updates and Alerts
Thank you very much for joining us for HarborFest!
The WaveOne Open Water Team
For more information see www.HarborFestSwims.com
Race Day: Sunday August 21, 2022
HarborFest Swim Courses