Swim Camp Details and FAQ’s

General Camp Concept:

So many obstacles, changing conditions and fears make open water swimming one of the most challenging sports on earth. Positioned between the Atlantic Ocean, channels of Masonboro Island Reserve and the Intercoastal Waterway, we learn to plan and adapt to the power of open water. Our innovative camp guides you to becoming your best swimmer by immersing you in a full spectrum of open water swimming that creates a transformational experience.

Empathetic Instruction - High Performance Principles

As your guide to achieving your potential, WaveOne implements various open water activities that teach you to discover a new relationship with the water advancing an enlightened, as well as a technically accomplished open water swimmer. Our camp combines advanced stroke techniques, cutting edge XPT Performance Training and Wim Hof Method techniques that supercharge physical functions, Mobility Mastery for Peak Performance and Fire & Ice Exposure provide recovery methods adapted for open water swimming. Our comprehensive range of water activities may include: video stroke analysis, strength training for swimmers, water/weather conditions analysis, intro to surfing, strategy sessions, practice race, a ton of FUN, and more.

We believe true joy of open water swimming begins when you surrender to the water. Learn how to adapt and enjoy the water’s power from graceful inspired swimming by attending our Swim Camp.

Set the Stage for Your Success

Located beachfront with the Atlantic Ocean out the back door, the Intercoastal Channel with a private beach facing the front, and a pool next door, our accommodations are unparalleled for a complete open water experience. Four days/ three nights are included in your tuition at the Blockade Runner Cottage in Wrightsville Beach, NC. In addition, we have access to all of the resort's amenities: pool, sauna, hot tub, restaurant/ bar, spa and more (additional charges may apply). This year we offer all basic meals in-house to provide more time for sharing personal experiences and discussing the day's activities.

Our home base is The Beach House at the Trailborn Surf and Sound resort, a 13 bedroom house which offers a large great room and dining room for meetings, dining and relaxing. Extra Nights: Trailborn Surf and Sound rooms in the main hotel will be made available at a discount for us, before during, and after Camp for those that want to extend their time at Wrightsville Beach. Non-swimming significant others are welcome for a small add on for meals and incidentals.

Camp Location

The Beach House at Trailborn Surf and Sound
275 Waynick Blvd
Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480



Athlete's Guide and Frequently Asked Questions


Is this camp for me?

If you seek the ability to swim comfortably and confidently in the open water, and want to learn innovative swimming stroke, racing and training techniques, you are in the right place. If you want a relaxed fun beach atmosphere with like minded athletes, then this camp is for you. As of this writing, we are the only swim camp that offers ocean swimming. Many people entered camp never being in the ocean and being completely scared to wade in. By Sunday, they swam over a mile in open ocean. This is common. If you seek to challenge your personal limits, achieve new goals, and discover the rewards of specialized and focused open water swimming education, the WaveOne Swim Camp is made for you.


What to expect from the camp?

We provide a whole hearted, authentic experiential approach to open water swimming. What that means to you is a balance of skills and experience for mind and body that all contribute to improved performance. For us, open water swimming is a lifestyle and we enthusiastically invite you to join us. Each day begins with a swimming centric mobility session or Performance Breathing session to create balance and build strength for the day. We offer two 1-2-hour swimming sessions Day 2 and 3, one on Day 4; some in the sound, and some in the ocean. You are not expected to swim for a straight two hours, and we will break up the lessons and pace to your level.


What will we do each day?

Each session begins with dry-land discussion, strategy and information relating to the day’s objectives. We begin by working on open water stroke technique and video taping, which we will review and analyze Day 2 evening. Our swimming will progress to various distance swims in different conditions and different paces. We will introduce bodysurfing and surfing to compliment learning balance, reading currents, adjusting to swells and wind, and to enjoy a fun way of cross training. Body surfing will teach us how to time swells within our stroke pace, balance and acclimate to the ocean. Wim Hof Breathing sessions prepare our nervous system for the activities of the day. We may do an ice bath, hot tub and sauna for some fire and ice work. This helps with recovery. In addition, Breathe Your Power Performance Training sessions supplement your knowledge and methods for breathing and training techniques. Finally, we will give you down time to relax, recover and process the experiences of the day. A journal is provided as a gift to record your thoughts, notes, and log your memories.


Can I attend the Camp? What swimming abilities are suited for the camp?

We designed the camp for beginner and intermediate swimmers and triathletes seeking to become more efficient and comfortable in the open water. Our “feel the water” philosophy and techniques teach you to connect with the water to develop and improve your stroke as efficiently as possible. Each session’s skills will build upon the previous one to continuously improve throughout the camp.

This is not a “learn to swim” program, but one that elevates your current swimming to a new level. If you are a pool swimmer afraid of the open water, we will work with you to manage and conquer your fears.  Every open water swimmer experiences some fears in their career. We share our experiences and techniques to transform you in becoming a comfortable confident open water swimmer. It is highly recommended that attendees can swim at least 500 yards/meters non-stop comfortably, in a pool or open water, to obtain the greatest benefit from this open water camp.


What are the Accommodations?

The Beach House at Trailborn Surf and Sound has 16 rooms and 9 full bathrooms. We designated some as single occupancy and some as double occupancy. When you register, designate which you prefer. Each room has a double and twin bed. If you are attending with a friend or partner in a double, please state that on the registration form so we can pair you appropriately. You will be responsible maintaining your room for the 4 days, since there is no daily maid service. Linens are included, however, bring an extra towel or two since we are in the water often. There is a washer and dryer, and full kitchen. See http://blockade-runner.com/cottage/ for more information.

What's the deal with meals?

Meals are included. Trailborn Surf and Sound offers us discounted vouchers for breakfast at their restaurant next door, or you may visit other restaurants close by for meals. We will have light breakfasts of eggs, bagels/muffins, juice and coffee. Lunches will be cold cuts, sandwiches and beverages. Dinners will be in house. Day 1 evening is usually a barbeque. Day 2 evening (we will watch everybody's videos from earlier in the day) and Day 3 will be various types of meals. We all pitch in to help prepare and wrap up each meal. First person up usually starts the coffee. It is all part of building our community.  We will also have snacks available throughout the day. Feel free to bring your own food, supplements, snacks, beverages, etc. If you have dietary restrictions, please provide for yourself since the number of people prohibit special meal preparation. We typically offer vegetarian options, so please make us aware before arriving so we can be prepared. We will not quarantine food.


How about Travel and Parking?

Many of the participants come from the DC metro area. Over the years, many join us from other areas of the country. We will be creating a forum to encourage and coordinate ride shares to Wrightsville Beach. Wilmington International Airport is a 25 minute ride away for those that choose to fly in. You will not need a car during the camp. Some parking is available at the cottage and overflow will be valet at the Blockade Runner next door (free of charge). 

Any Medical Questions?

You will be physically active in new and changing aquatic environmental conditions. You are required to be healthy and be sure your doctor would approve you attending this camp. You must be sure you have no known or unknown medical conditions that would make swimming and camp participation dangerous to you or others. You are not required, but will want to attend all Camp sessions and lessons, however all activities are optional. A medical waiver is required to attend.


Cancellation/Refund Policy

All registration fees are due at registration. If you register and cancel 45 days before camp, we will refund 50% of your tuition. Cancellations within 45 days will not receive any refunds. You may transfer your registration to another person, however that person is required to proceed through the registration process and complete all forms. Transfers need to be completed by 7 days prior to camp start date and there is a $100 transfer fee. There are no refunds due to weather and circumstances beyond our control. See the following Purchase Protection option that is only available at check out time, if available. Read their terms and conditions. WaveOne receives no proceeds from Purchase Protection, we present it purely for your consideration.

Purchase Protection (May be offered):

See full Terms here> https://www.purchaseprotection.com/terms/

Purchase Protection is a refund service provided by Purchase Protection whereby in the event the ticket holder/registrant (1) is prevented from attending an event due to certain unforeseen and qualified circumstances, (2) submits a refund request with accompanying documentation within forty-eight (48) hours after the event, and (3) Purchase Protection approves the refund request, Purchase Protection will refund 100% of the attendee’s event fees, taxes and dues.

Purchase Protection allows you the attendee to purchase an upgrade that entitles you to a full refund of your event dues, taxes and fees should you be prevented from attending the event due to certain specified causes. Purchase Protection is only available at the time of ticket purchase using a credit or debit card. No payments will be accepted by cash or checks. Seriously, who uses cash anymore?

Purchase Protection does not apply to the event organizer, host, speaker or act, only to attendees. It does not cover fraudulent events, canceled events, postponed events or if you are simply dissatisfied with an event or act.

Purchase Protection is not an insurance policy. Purchase Protection is not a service provided by an insurance carrier, an event organizer, act or ticketing agent.


Contact Us

Please read the FAQ and then contact us with any questions. We are happy to address and questions, concerns, and suggestion.  Feel free to call Denis at 301.455.4341.

We are offering Swimming Transformation Clinics:

If possible, we will offer a few Swimming Transformation clinics in the Washington DC area prior to the camp, discounted for camp registrants. It is not necessary but we suggest attending one to familiarize yourself with basic drills and progression to provide a foundation for continuously improving your stroke and the open water experience, particularly if you are a beginning swimmer. See our home page for more information.


What is XPT Training?

XPT, Extreme Performance Training™, is a performance lifestyle rooted in the most basic yet powerful human trait: the ability to adapt. We at WaveOne see the benefits for open water swimming from their cutting-edge fitness of Breathe, Move, Recover curriculum designed to stimulate growth in all aspects of human performance through exposure to a variety of natural elements and environments. XPT's train, adapt and perform approach empowers you to strengthen and elevate the quality of your everyday life. One aspect of their training that coincides with WaveOne’s is the strength and adaptation practices in water. In addition, the protocols for enhanced breathing not only benefit your swimming, also your sleep and daily movement. If you are interested in delving into XPT deeper or taking classes, contact Denis in the above form.

Do I need any Swim Equipment (beside a bathing suit)?

Yes you will need to wear a bathing suit. We are fortunate to choose a sport that does not require much equipment. Bring a suit that is tested and comfortable as well as a racing suit or attire that you will race in. Multiple suits are suggested. This is so you experience training and race conditions in your chosen attire. Note that we are swimming in a saltwater environment which sometimes has chafing concerns. Bring goggles for sunny and cloudy conditions, preferably UV protected and possibly polarized. We are also recommending bringing fins to assist in the drills, swimming longer distances and possibly body surfing. It's not necessary but you may want some sort of fin "sock" for a snug protected fit. Sunscreen is a must. We will supply the surfboards for the surfing lesson. Please bring a yoga mat if you have one otherwise we will supply one or a towel for beach yoga and mobility work. 

Will there be an open Water race to enter?

In the past, Stoked to Go Out 1.7 mile pier to pier race was conducted on the Saturday of the May Spring Camp. As of this update. If it goes on, we will participate as an optional swim. Registration will be the responsibility of each swimmer. If it does not, we will do our own version, Saturday or Sunday morning, weather permitting. Last year it was a very positive well run event for a great cause. The course spans the distance between the two piers that bracket our beachfront cottage. All Camps conclude with a “focus” swim, a pier to pier, escorted Masonboro Island swim, or partial around the island swim from/to the two Trailborn Surf and Sound beaches.


Where should I purchase my swim equipment?

We suggest two options. First, go to Sport Fair: The Swimmer's Outfitter in Arlington, Va. Ask for Susan.  They have the most complete selection and knowledge of swim equipment in the country. Second, click here at Swim Outlet.com.  


Do I need a Wet Suit?

No you do not. Wet suits are optional and not required. All swims will be conducted as wetsuit optional. We recommend swimming without a wet suit since water temperature ranges from high 60’s/70’s in April to the mid 70's in May and October. If you do bring a wetsuit, be sure to bring Body Glide or some sort of wet suit lubricant.


WaveOne Open Water reserves the right to make changes as we see fit, and prices are subject to change without notice. We are not responsible for weather related conditions, and will adjust to any conditions as we see fit and in the interest of safety and the spirit of the Camp. Open water swimming is potentially dangerous, physically demanding and can cause injury or death. By registering,  you assure WaveOne that you are physically fit and able to fully participate in the camp, and that your doctor approves of your participation.  If WaveOne deems that an activity is too strenuous or you are not able to complete or participate in the activity safely, we reserve the right to exclude or prohibit you from participating in it. Please respect our decision for your safety and the safety of others.

Learning about currents and tide affect during the SUP lesson from Jason at Carolina Paddleboards.

Learning about currents and tide affect during the SUP lesson from Jason at Carolina Paddleboards.

2019 group prior to 1.7 mile pier to pier Stoked to Go race.

2019 group prior to 1.7 mile pier to pier Stoked to Go race.